Say goodbye to traditional measurements, awkward moments, and uncertainty about the accuracy of the information provided by using a tape measure.
Ca si client al Fit-Nest, beneficiezi de acces gratuit la dispozitivul medical VISBODY pentru masuratori inteligente cu precizie milimetrica. In doar 4 minute, iti este generat avatarul 3D si analiza compozitiei corporale, masurarea circumferintei in sapte parti ale corpului, analiza posturii, analiza mobilitatii umerilor, dar si recomandari pentru remedierea problemelor. Rezultatele sunt disponibile prin cod QR pe telefonul tau, fiind usor de urmarit evolutia personala exacta de la o masuratoare la alta, mai ales datorita avatarului realizat dupa forma corpului tau.
Free service
VISBODY is the world's first intelligent body scanner using non-invasive technologies such as Spectral Bioelectrical Impedance (SBI) and Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA). It employs low-intensity electrical currents to estimate the proportions of body fat, muscle, and water based on the conductivity differences among these tissues. The BIA technology utilizes low-frequency electrical currents to measure the electrical resistance of tissues, thereby estimating body fat percentage, muscle mass, and hydration level.

Personalizing workouts
By utilizing the complete 3D body scanning, which includes high-precision analysis of body composition, posture assessment, and body circumference measurements, we can obtain comprehensive and accurate data about your body. This data will be used by our trainers to create personalized workouts and to avoid exercises that could lead to injuries.
Quick scanning
In just 32 seconds, Visbody generates millimeter-precise 3D models and provides 18 body circumference and posture parameters for easily understandable results. Following the scan, three types of physical examination reports are provided, along with independent scoring of body composition and posture.

Improving performance
Tracking your body's progress with VISBODY gives you a clear and detailed insight into your progress, motivating you to keep going and improve your performance. Don't hesitate any longer, be part of the Fit-Nest community and start monitoring your body's evolution for FREE with VISBODY!