According to the changes and modifications introduced by Regulation (EU) No 2016/679 on the protection of personal data („GDPR”), this is the reason why we have decided to inform you through this Personal Data Processing Policy („Data Processing Policy” or „Policy”) regarding:


Who we are?

What are personal data?

What personal data do we process about you?

How do we collect and process your data?

How long do we retain your data?

With whom do we share your data?

When do we transfer your data outside the European Union or the EEA?

What security measures do we provide to protect your data?

What are your rights and options regarding the data we process?


Aceeași abordare o vom avea de fiecare dată când ne vizitați, va creati un cont sau va achizitionati un serviciu prestat de societatea ROWA REIKES SRL SRL, prin punctul de lucru FIT- NEST, cu sediul in Cluj-Napoca, str. Buna ziua, nr. 12.  


Prezenta Politică de Prelucrare a Datelor poate fi modificată sau actualizată oricând de către Societatea ROWA REIKES SRL SRL, atunci când considerăm că survin anumite modificări în activitățile prin care prelucrăm datele tale. Vom publica pe site-ul nostru,, orice astfel de modificări și vă vom informa în mod corespunzător prin e-mail. 




Societatea ROWA REIKES SRL SRL, cu sediul in Municipiul Cluj-Napoca, str. Buna Ziua, nr. 12A, Județul Cluj, CUI 34695778 înregistrată la Registrul Comerțului cu nr. J24/629/2015 („Societatea ROWA REIKES SRL SRL” sau „Operator” sau „Noi”), este operatorul datelor tale.


The company has a branch, Fit-Nest, located at Buna Ziua Street, No. 12, Cluj-Napoca, Cluj, Romania.


You can contact us at any time at:


Adresă: Municipiul Cluj-Napoca, str. Buna Ziua, nr. 12A, Județul Cluj,



Societatea ROWA REIKES SRL SRL a numit un Responsabil cu Protecția Datelor Personale. Pentru orice întrebări sau nelămuriri legate de prezenta Politică, de modul în care Societatea ROWA REIKES SRL SRL prelucrează datele tale sau drepturile tale, ne poți contacta la adresa de e-mail dedicata sau la adresa poștală de mai sus.


What personal data do we process about you?


What are personal data?


Personal data means any data or information that helps us identify you directly (such as your name, first name) or indirectly (such as based on the profile we create to send you personalized offers). Some information is less obvious (such as your shopping preferences and habits, your computer's IP address), but when associated with your person, they help us identify you and thus fall under the concept of "personal data".


Politica ROWA REIKES SRL SRL este de a colecta și prelucra doar datele care ne sunt necesare ca să îți oferim cea mai plăcută experiență atunci când iti creezi un cont/achizitionezi un serviciu oferit de noi. În general, prelucrăm următoarele tipuri de date despre tine:


First and last name;

Email address;

Phone number;

Billing details (address, postal code).

General geo-location of the device from which you browse/authenticate into your customer account;

Information about the services purchased;.

Imagini foto/video.


Specifically, in the table below we have presented the personal data ("Data" or "Personal Data") that we collect directly from you, which arises from your interaction with us, and which we track to provide the requested services or to offer you various personalized deals, when you browse the Fit-Nest website or when you use various devices (computer, tablet, or mobile phone).


How do we process your data?


Societatea ROWA REIKES SRL SRL colectează și prelucrează datele tale pentru onorarea serviciilor alese de catre tine, oferirea de asistență și suport atunci când utilizezi contul de client, sau pentru a-ți crea un profil de client în vederea transmiterii unor oferte personalizate (marketing direct).


I have detailed in the table below how we process your data, the purposes, and the legal basis for the activities through which we process your data. 




For what purposes do we collect and process your data?




How do we collect and process your data?




What is the legal basis for data processing?







Data provided directly by you 





Creating your customer account 










We can create a customer account for you on Fit-Nest only if you provide us with the following mandatory personal data, either (a) during your request to open a new customer account, or (b) following the selection of a service for the first time on the Fit-Nest website (and on this occasion, we activate a customer account for you to fulfill the service you requested): 


  • nume, prenume;


  • e-mail, și


  • număr de telefon 




 Steps taken by the client to conclude a contract between the parties.





Purchasing services from the FIT-NEST.RO website.




You can purchase one of our services only if you have activated a customer account, place some services in the shopping cart, and later place a service order. You can buy our services on the Fit-Nest website, after previously accepting the Terms and Conditions. 


 - Every time you place a service order, we will collect and process the following data:


First and last name; 


Billing details (address, postal code).


· phone number;




Fulfill the contract


In order to provide the services chosen by the clients.





Payment for the service order.






Detaliile cardului pe care îl folosești pentru plata 3D Secure a serviciilor de pe siteul nostru nu vor fi accesibile si nici nu vor fi stocate de către Societatea ROWA REIKES SRL SRL, ci doar de către entitatea de autorizare a tranzacției sau de o altă entitate autorizată să presteze servicii de stocare date de identificare a cardului, despre a cărei identitate vei fi informat, anterior introducerii efective a detaliilor cardului pe care îl folosești pentru plata online. 





[3D Secure is a security measure that involves redirecting the customer to a secure page during the payment process, where each cardholder is registered by assigning an authorization code for each online transaction. The accepted cards for payment are those issued under the VISA (Classic and Electron) and MASTERCARD (including Maestro, if they have a CVV/CV2 code) logos.]


-Societatea ROWA REIKES SRL SRL prelucrează doar următoarele date pe care le trimite către partenerul de autorizare a plăților/ tranzacțiilor online:


· first and last name;


o  order ID;


o the date of transaction initiation, the date of transaction completion;


o  transaction  ID; 


o payment status (payment made/ not made);


o transaction amount (if applicable).







Fulfill the contract


To ensure the necessary support for processing by our authorized partners who mediate the payment of the services you ordered. 





Actiuni de promovare a activitatii FIT-NEST




Societatea ROWA REIKES SRL SRL prin punctul de lucru FIT-NEST poate prelucra imagini foto-video din timpul sedintelor efectuate in cadrul activitatilor din cadrul studiolului FIT-NEST, pentru promovarea activitatii pe site-ul sau pe profilul FIT-Nest de pe retelele de socializare.  De asemenea, poate prelucra numarul de telefon sau adresa de email pentru a trimite oferte ale serviciilor noastre.









In scopul promovarii activitatii societatii noastre pe site sau pe retelele de socializare.





Loyalty actions




Societatea ROWA REIKES SRL SRL acordă și alocă diverse reduceri și beneficii aferente acțiunilor noastre de loialitate (sub forma de vouchere, reduceri, etc.). Poți vizualiza în contul de client voucherele de care ai beneficiat la un moment dat. 




Fulfill the contract


In order to carry out our loyalty actions and provide commercial discounts in our relationship with you 





Promotional campaigns, contests, promotions, or raffles.




Pentru concursurile online derulate pe site-ul ROWA REIKES SRL SRL sau pe canalele de social media colectăm adresa ta de e-mail. Mai organizăm concursuri pe pagina oficială de Facebook a Societatea ROWA REIKES SRL SRL, unde colectăm, în funcție de campanie, următoarele date necesare participării tale la concurs, respectiv, pentru validarea câștigătorilor prin 


First and last name;


o   e-mail, or; 


· phone number; 


Dacă ești câștigător, vom menționa numele și prenumele tău pe pagina oficială Facebook a ROWA REIKES SRL SRL sau pe site-ul nostru 






În scopul participării tale la concursurile organizate de Societatea ROWA REIKES SRL SRL și acordării premiilor respective 





Date pe care le colectăm automat 





Creating customer profiles for direct marketing purposes. 




































































Online browsing














Based on your interactions and behavior on our website, through our partners, we collect and process your data to create your customer profile with the purpose of subsequently sending you personalized offers ("personalized offers") through the communication channels you choose.


In order to perform profiling, we process the following data:


o Your full name, email address and/or mailing address, and mobile phone number.


a history of your interactions with us on our website, specifically:


– what services you've viewed, searched for, or ordered;


– your preferences on our website;


– online identifiers obtained from the device you use when browsing our website;





When you visit our website and log into your customer account, we also collect through cookies and data from the computer, phone, tablet, or other device you use ("device"), information with which we can identify you online ("online identifiers") and which we use for profiling for direct marketing purposes:


IP address.


The internet browser you are using and the operating system version of your device.


HTTP/HTTPS protocol data.


o The duration of your visit/activity on our website; 


o The general location of the device (if geolocation is enabled) from which you connect to our website.  


[Please note that most devices offer you the option to disable geolocation services directly from the device settings.] 





["Cookies" - files that a server sends to your device, placed on our website. The purpose and manner in which we process cookies are detailed in the Cookie Usage Policy, available on our website].






For profiling and sending personalized offers through the communication channels to which you consent (SMS, email, push notifications).  





More details about how we perform profiling for direct marketing purposes can be found in the "Profiling" section below. You have the right to object to profiling at any time.






























Online behavioral advertising.




Based on your browsing and behavior on our site, monitored through cookies, we will provide you with online ads for some of our services that might interest you. Based on the information about your browsing on the site, we will categorize you in a group of interest with other customers with similar browsing behavior and thus deliver advertisements (banners) based on those interests.







Cookie consent.


For the cookies that monitor your behavior on our website.


Dacă nu dorești să participi la monitorizarea prin cookie-uri în scopul transmiterii de reclame (bannere) on-line pe baza intereselor tale, poți refuza setarea în acest sens a unui modul cookie prin setarea browser-ului care dezactivează în general setarea automată de module cookie. Poți de asemenea, dezactiva modulele cookie pentru serviciile publicitare ale unui furnizor servicii browser (de ex. Google), setând browser-ul tău în așa fel încât modulele cookie ale domeniului respectiv să fie blocate. Poți face asta foarte ușor din următoarea pagină


The option to opt out of online behavioral advertising will not stop the display of general advertisements that are not personalized based on your interests. 





Maintenance and security of the website.






We use the following online identifiers for the maintenance and security of our website:


IP address.


The internet browser you are using and the operating system version of your device.


HTTP/HTTPS protocol data.


o Device location (if geolocation is enabled) from which you connect to our website.


Specifically, we process your data for the following purposes:


  Ensuring the proper functioning of the website


o Proper display of the website content.


Retaining your authentication data (when you request it)


o Improving our website.


o Configuring the device from which you connect/authenticate to meet the website's requirements.





  to ensure the security of the website and to protect you against any potential fraud or IT security breaches.


 Identifying and resolving malfunctions that hinder the use of our website or your customer account.




Legitimate interest.


o Implementation, configuration, and maintenance of our website's security measures.







Auditing and reporting.







We process your data for annual financial auditing purposes, as well as for submitting tax and accounting statements to the tax authorities.




Legal requirements and provisions.


For compliance with legal obligations imposed by applicable tax and accounting laws and regulations. 





Defense of rights in court 






When we defend our rights in court for the recovery of sums owed, or when we protect our interests against unjustified claims/complaints, we will process your data necessary for the formulation of objections, written conclusions, requests and specific documents.




Legitimate interest.


Exercising any defenses/rights before the courts, or public/control authorities or institutions 





Procedures and investigations by authorities and/or judicial bodies.




În mod excepțional și conform legii, vom furniza autorităților și instituțiilor competente, în cadrul unor proceduri/investigații formale ori a altor demersuri prevăzute de lege, conform procedurii prevăzute de lege, următoarele tale date: nume, prenume, adresă, e-mail, telefon. Societatea ROWA REIKES SRL SRL va documentează orice astfel de demersuri.




Legal requirements and provisions.


For compliance with specific legal obligations imposed by applicable laws regarding the protection against fraud, money laundering, and terrorism. 





Data collected from other sources.





Browsing social networks




Dacă ne dai like pe pagina de Facebook a Societatea ROWA REIKES SRL SRL sau dacă te loghezi în contul tău de client cu adresa și parola Facebook, vom primi aceste date fără a le utiliza altfel decât pentru a putea comunica cu tine și eventual, pentru a-ți transmite unele oferte personalizate prin contul tău de Facebook pe bază de audiențe personalizate.






Transmitting personalized offers on Facebook (through the use of custom audience service based on customer lists). 





Profiling for direct marketing purposes.


Atunci când îți trimitem oferte personalizate prin canale de marketing direct (sms, e-mail, notificări push-up) putem folosi anumite „tehnici de profilare” respectiv, o modalitate de prelucrare automată a datelor tale constând în special în analiza și interpretarea datelor tale personale necesare pentru a evalua sau prevedea unele aspecte legate de preferințele, interesele tale. În scop de profilare, Societatea ROWA REIKES SRL SRL nu prelucrează date sensibile privind orientarea sexuală, credințele religioase sau afilierile politice. 


În mod concret, Societatea ROWA REIKES SRL SRL îți creează profilul de client astfel:


based on your browsing behavior on the website, viewed or purchased services;

Based on demographic data such as age, gender, and city.

Based on purchase history and monetary value.


We collect your data when profiling from sources such as our website and advertising service providers we collaborate with.


We use profiling to communicate and present personalized promotional offers to you in a relevant and useful manner.


Îți vom putea oferi posibilitatea de a-ți modifica preferințele tale de marketing direct, oricând ulterior înregistrării tale drept client ROWA REIKES SRL SRL, solicitând această opțiune prin email. 


You can object to profiling for direct marketing purposes on any of the communication channels to which you previously consented by withdrawing your consent and unsubscribing from a specific communication channel you previously opted for. For more details, please refer to the "Your Rights and Options" section below.


How long do we keep your data?


Societatea ROWA REIKES SRL SRL prelucrează datele tale pentru perioada necesară îndeplinirii scopurilor pentru care acestea au fost colectate și conform politicilor noastre de retenție a datelor personale. În anumite cazuri, unele prevederi legale ne pot impune sau permite păstrarea datelor pentru o perioadă mai îndelungată. 


The data retention period primarily depends on the following factors:


for what period we need your data in order to provide the requested services and fulfill our obligations towards you, and for the purposes mentioned above in this Policy;

if you have an open customer account on our website. In this case, we will retain your data for as long as this customer account is active, but no longer than 5 (five) years from the date of your last login to the account;

If you have provided your consent for the processing of your data for a longer period, we will maintain your data throughout that period, unless you withdraw your consent in the meantime. Your withdrawal of consent will result in the cessation of processing activities for which you have withdrawn consent, and we will proceed with the deletion or anonymization of your data in accordance with our data retention policies.

If we have legal or contractual obligations that require us to retain your data for a certain period of time (for example, statutory limitation periods for defending our rights in court), we will adhere to those obligations and retain your data accordingly. Once the legal or contractual retention period expires, we will proceed with the secure deletion or anonymization of your data in accordance with our data retention policies.


We will keep your data only as long as you have a customer account and/or continue to purchase our services. If you choose to deactivate your customer account and explicitly request complete deletion, the data associated with your customer account will be deleted or anonymized in such a way that you can no longer be identified in our data systems, except when we are obligated to retain your data for a longer period based on law or our legitimate interest.


In this way, we will ensure your full control over your personal data. We will collect and process your data again if you provide them to us once more on the website. 


For the purposes for which you have provided us with your consent for data processing, as highlighted in the table above, we will process your data related to that specific purpose until you withdraw your consent for processing in that particular purpose, unless we are obligated to retain such data for a longer period under the law, for reporting to public authorities, or to defend our rights in court.


We would like to inform you that we rely on your consent when processing your data in order to send you:


personalized offers based on online behavioral advertising.

personalized offers based on the profiling we conduct for direct marketing purposes through channels such as SMS, email, and push notifications.

personalized audiences (using customer lists) on Facebook.


*Consent - means your freely given, specific, and informed agreement by which you unequivocally accept that your data will be processed by Us for the purpose for which you give your consent. You can give us your consent through your action of ticking the relevant checkbox associated with the purpose and means of processing specified in this Privacy Note.




Your personal data may be transmitted to and processed by our trusted partners to provide you with the services.


To provide you with the services, we will share your data with our trusted partners. We carefully select partners and providers who perform activities on our behalf to support our operations. We only share with them the personal data necessary to carry out the specific activities we entrust to them.


When we outsource certain activities to our trusted partners we make all reasonable efforts to check in advance that they ensure the protection of your data through strict data security measures and we will enter into data processing contracts with each.


Specifically, we transmit certain data to third parties (our suppliers and partners) to perform functions and services necessary for the operation of activities, such as: 


the provider that provides us data storage services on external servers located in Romania;

payment processors that are authorized by us to mediate payments in the 3D Secure system (PayU, etc);

the agency that provides customer segmentation and profiling services for marketing purposes;


Transmission of data to authorities and public institutions or judicial bodies


We may pass on some of your personal data to competent public authorities or institutions, when required by law (e.g. fraud investigation; money laundering prevention; filing of declarations, financial statements with tax authorities, etc.), or we may pass this data to judicial courts when when we defend ourselves in court, or in front of other public authorities.


Access of auditors and consultants 


Dacă vom decide în viitor să înstrăinăm acțiunile sau afacerea Societatea ROWA REIKES SRL SRL vom oferi acces sau transmite auditorilor și consultanților potențiali(ilor) cumpărători datele clienților noștri pentru efectuarea auditului necesar achiziției acțiunilor/ afacerii. Pentru acest scop, ne vom asigura că orice potențial cumpărător va urmări și implementa masurile de securitate necesare pentru protecția datelor tale, iar părțile vor semna în prealabil un contract de prelucrare a datelor pentru scopul tranzacției.




As a rule, your data is not stored in a country outside the European Union or the European Economic Area ("EEA").


However, some data may be transferred to our partners who assist us in operating our services and are located outside the European Union. However, with each of these partners, we have made reasonable efforts to ensure that there are adequate data protection measures in place. 


When we send you personalized offers through targeted ads, we use the custom audiences feature managed by Facebook, Inc. located outside the EU/European Economic Area, which is certified according to publicly available information according to the requirements of the EU-US Privacy Shield (considered to ensure an adequate level of protection of personal data transferred from the European Union to organizations in the United States). We recommend that you also consult Facebook's Privacy Policy on its website.


Daca vom transfera datele tale și către alți parteneri/ furnizori ai ROWA REIKES SRL SRL situați în state care nu asigură un nivel adecvat de protecție a datelor transmise, ne angajăm să luăm toate măsurile necesare pentru a ne asigura că respectivii parteneri/furnizori respectă termenii și condițiile stabilite în această Politică. Aceste măsuri pot include în plus implementarea unor standarde de protecție a datelor (de ex. ISO 27001), a unor clauze contractuale standard adoptate de Comisia Uniunii Europene, precum și a unor sisteme de control direct al acestor mecanisme. 




Societatea ROWA REIKES SRL SRL asigură măsurile tehnice și organizatorice necesare pentru colectarea, prelucrarea și păstrarea datelor în siguranță, inclusiv împotriva accesului neautorizat, al utilizării neautorizate a datelor, sau distrugerii, pierderii sau alterării datelor. Ne angajăm să păstrăm datele tale personale în siguranță și luăm toate măsurile de protecție rezonabile pentru a face acest lucru. 


Implementăm procese sistematice de instruire a persoanelor responsabile de securitatea IT și de monitorizare și audit al securității sistemelor și infrastructuri IT conform politicilor interne ale ROWA REIKES SRL SRL. 


In addition, we make all reasonable efforts to ensure (including through contracts with them) that our trusted partners also manage appropriate technical and organizational measures for the processing of the data we share with them. 




We want to make sure that at all times you have full control over your data and that you can effectively exercise your rights and options that you have under the GDPR. 


To ensure that you have effective control over your data, we inform you that you have the following possibilities based on the technologies available to you:


You can manage the access, correction, or direct deletion of certain data available in your customer account from your account.

You will be able to delete cookies or browsing history from the website settings; moreover, you can choose to modify the settings of the browser you use to restrict cookie tracking of your behavior (however, these restrictions may affect your browsing experience);

social media platforms and search engines (e.g. Google or Facebook) give you the possibility to manage various options regarding how you choose to process your data.


In addition to these options, the GDPR gives you, as a data subject, the rights described below. Before complying with any request regarding your rights, we will ensure that you are the owner of the data regarding which you choose to exercise these rights, and for this purpose we may request some information/data to verify your identity, or we may request more many details about your request. We may keep the correspondence we have with you to ensure we keep track of your rights requests and responses.


The right to be informed. You have the right to receive clear, transparent, easily understandable and easily accessible information about how we process your data, including details of your rights as a data subject. This information about the data, the purpose and the way we process your data is also included in this Policy.


Right of access to data. You have the right to access the data we process about you, without charging any kind of fee for the first data supplies. If you require copies of data already provided, we may charge a reasonable fee taking into account the administrative costs of providing the data. We will have the right to refuse excessive or repeated and unreasonable requests.


Pentru a-ți exercita dreptul de acces, ne poți trimite solicitarea ta prin: Email:


Dreptul la rectificarea datelor. În cazul în care identifici că datele tale pe care le prelucrăm sunt incorecte, incomplete sau inexacte: ne poți trimite o solicitarea de rectificare la adresa de e-mail:


The right to object to direct marketing (including profiling for direct marketing purposes). You can object to and unsubscribe from our direct marketing communications at any time. You can do this easily by clicking on the "unsubscribe" link or replying with "unsubscribe" in any email we send you.


In addition, you can opt to withdraw your previously expressed consent for the transmission of personalized offers based on profiling through the same channels through which we communicate these offers to you, namely: email, sms or push-up notifications


Withdrawal of consent (by unsubscribing or written request) does not affect the legality of processing based on consent prior to its withdrawal.





Dreptul de a vă opune prelucrării bazate pe interes legitim. Te poți opune în orice moment oricărei prelucrări de date atunci când la o astfel de prelucrare ne bazăm pe interesul nostru legitim. Consultați secțiunea „Care este temeiul juridic al prelucrării datelor?” din tabelul de mai sus pentru a identifica situațiile în care prelucrarea noastră se bazează pe interesul nostru legitim. Poți exercita acest drept în scris prin transmiterea unei solicitări scrise la adresa de e-mail:



The right to delete data (the right to be forgotten). You have the right to ask us to delete your data in any of the following situations:



  1. a) the personal data are no longer necessary to fulfill the purposes for which we previously processed them; 
  2. b) you withdraw your consent on the basis of which we processed your data and there is no other legal basis on which we can base a future processing;
  3. c) te opui prelucrării datelor atunci când prelucrăm datele în scop de marketing direct (inclusiv, profilarea în scop de marketing direct), 
  4. d) you object to data processing based on our legitimate interest and we cannot demonstrate that we have legitimate reasons that justify the processing and that prevail over your interests, rights and freedoms; 
  5. e) personal data are processed contrary to the law;
  6. f) datele personale trebuie șterse pentru a ne conforma obligațiilor noastre legale. Acesta nu este un drept absolut. Vom putea respinge solicitarea ta de ștergere a datelor dacă: (i) suntem ținuți să ne conformăm unor obligații legale de a păstra datele; sau (ii) dacă datele ne sunt necesare pentru constatarea, exercitarea sau apărarea drepturilor noastre în justiție. Poți exercita acest drept în scris prin transmiterea unei solicitări scrise la adresade e-mail:





 Dreptul de a restricționa prelucrarea. Ai dreptul de a obține din partea noastră restricționarea prelucrării datelor în una din situațiile descrise mai jos.


(a) the accuracy of the data is disputed by you (data subject), for a period that will allow us to verify the correctness of the data; 


(b) the processing of the data is illegal and you (the data subject) object to the deletion of the data and ask us to restrict the processing of this data;


(c) we no longer need your data, but it is required by you (the data subject) to establish, exercise or defend legal claims; 


(d) you (the data subject) raise some objections to the data processing based on our legitimate interests, based on the verification that the legitimate reasons of the controller outweigh those of the data subject (i.e. yours).


Poți exercita acest drept în scris prin transmiterea unei solicitări scrise la adresa de e-mail:


Dreptul de portabilitate. Atunci când prelucrăm datele tale în baza consimțământului sau executării contractului, și în mod automat, vei avea dreptul să ne soliciți transferul datelor tale: (a) către tine sau (ii) către un alt operator indicat de tine. Cea de-a doua situație presupune că ai opțiunea de a ne solicita transmiterea datelor asociate contului de client către un alt operator de date. Mai exact, vei putea solicita doar portarea datelor cu caracter personal dintre cele pe care ni le-ai furnizat direct în mod activ (exceptând orice date derivate sau create/ dezvoltate de Societatea ROWA REIKES SRL SRL, cum ar fi spre ex. un profil de client). Poți exercita acest drept în scris prin transmiterea unei solicitări scrise la adresa de e-mail: . Vom transmite datele tale solicitate conform celor precizate aici într-un format structurat și care permite reutilizarea datelor (de ex. în format XML, JSON, CSV).



The right to make complaints to the supervisory authority. You have the right to submit any complaints to the National Supervisory Authority for the Processing of Personal Data ("A.N.S.P.D.C.P.") about the way we process your personal data. However, we hope you will decide to discuss it with us first before making any complaints to A.N.S.P.D.C.P. The protection of your data is very important to us and we will take all necessary measures to resolve any issues regarding the control and security of your data. You can also address various questions to A.N.S.P.D.C.P., the data protection supervisory authority in Romania.You can find some guides and guidelines regarding your rights on the authority's webpage




Societatea ROWA REIKES SRL SRL îți stă la dispoziție pentru orice nelămuriri, clarificări sau orice detalii de care ai nevoie cu privire la prezenta Politică de Prelucrare a Datelor. 


You can also contact us for any suggestions or comments related to this Policy or how we collect and use your data, at the DPO contact details below.


Societatea ROWA REIKES SRL SRL a numit un Responsabil cu Protecția Datelor pe care îl poți contacta cu privire la orice aspect privind prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal, la următoarele date de contact:


Responsabil cu Protecția Datelor:

Adresa: Municipiul Cluj-Napoca, str. Buna Ziua, nr. 12A, Județul Cluj.





Prezenta Politică de Prelucrare a Datelor este supusă modificărilor și se completează cu celelalte politici specifice ale ROWA REIKES SRL SRL.



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